Genius is the ultimate way to track your investments, manage portfolios, and stay informed on the stock market. Link your accounts from brokerages like Charles Schwab, Merrill Edge, Robinhood, TD Ameritrade, Vanguard, and thousands more to get a holistic view of your financial world.
Track Your Portfolio
• Link your accounts or create a tracked portfolio and input trades manually—it’s fast and easy.
• Track all your transactions and see the performance of each holding over any time period, including since purchase.
• Analyze portfolio performance overall or drill down to see how individual trades contribute to your returns.
• Use Genius as your personal stock tracker and portfolio tracker to stay on top of all your investments in one place.
Practice Investing with Simulated Portfolios
• Create paper portfolios to simulate trades and practice investing strategies without risk.
• Test different approaches in real-time market conditions to refine your skills.
• Simulated portfolios let you track performance as if you were trading for real.
Powerful Stock Tracking Tools
• Build custom watchlists or use premade lists for AI, Tech, Energy, and more.
• Real-time stock prices with pre- and post-market data keep you updated.
• Beautiful interactive stock charts with AI-powered company descriptions.
• Use Genius as your go-to app for stock tracking, stock charts, and stock market insights.
Stay Informed
• Get the latest stock news with AI-generated summaries tailored to your holdings.
• Track social media trends and market sentiment with data from StockTwits.
• Never miss important updates or events with Genius as your financial assistant.
Go Deeper
• Dive into 10 years of financial statement data, including income statements and balance sheets.
• Use trend analysis to see how financial metrics have evolved over time.
• Gain insights into dividend history, yields, and payout trends. Genius is also your dividend tracker, making it easy to follow passive income opportunities.
Why Genius?
Whether you’re managing real investments, tracking simulated trades, or building watchlists, Genius is your all-in-one stock app. It’s perfect for tracking dividends, analyzing stock charts, exploring financial data, and staying informed on the stock market.
Download Genius today and experience the best stock tracking app on the App Store!
We don’t sell ads, and we don’t care if you trade in your account. Our mission is to create the world’s best investment tools for the iPhone and iPad. Any questions or feedback? Reach out at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you within 24-hours (probably sooner!).
Stock Genius is free to download, and our base product is free to use, with no ads. Stock Genius offers an advanced product, Stock Genius Pro, and a hedge fund replication strategy available through in-app purchases.
Ongoing use of Stock Genius Pro or any strategy requires an active subscription. Stock Genius Pro is available on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. Subscriptions are available on their own only on a quarterly basis. Yearly subscriptions are billed the total annual fee from purchase date. Quarterly subscriptions are billed the total quarterly fee (three months) from purchase date. Monthly subscriptions are billed per month.
Payment will be charged to your credit card through your iTunes account at confirmation of purchase. Subscription automatically renews unless cancelled at least 24 hours prior to the end of the subscription period. There is no increase in price when renewing.
Subscriptions can be managed and auto-renewal turned off in Account Settings in iTunes after purchase. Read our full terms of Service and Privacy Policy at: